The Dai Lemma

Billy and his gang were at their Headquarters in the park.  It was in the middle of a huge bush, where the Park-keeper, nosey old Mr Davies would not be able to see them.

Huw Parry had arrived last incognito.  He wore a big black coat and sunglasses.

Gladys Morgan had been temporary enrolled as an honorary member as the boys needed a girl’s perspective on their problem.  Owen Davies sat drumming his heels on the park bench that he had “borrowed” for the meeting. 

“Come on Billy, spit it out, I have n’t got long, I told my mum I’d do my homework before tea.” Billy whinged.

“OK, I’ll come to the point.  Have any of you heard about some bloke called Dai Lemma?”

“Never heard of him, he’s not in our school.  How old is he?”  asked Gwyn.

“I’m not sure, probably about the same age as my sister, fifteen going on eight.”

“Is he good looking?” Gladys asked, hoping for some new talent to arrive on the scene soon.

Billy glared at her, because he always thought she was hanging around for him.

“Look, all I know is that he keeps on visiting our house, Mam’s always saying it’s a right Dai Lemma, and every time she says it, my sister bursts into tears.  She’s keeping me awake half the night with her crying her eyeballs out, I can hear her through the walls.”

Gladys, sensing the situation needed some women’s insight asked Billy

“Have you asked her why she crying?”

“Don’t be daft, she pretends I don’t exist, and I thought, maybe, possibly you could speak to her?”  asked Billy pleadingly.

“Okay, I’ll try but you owe me big time Billy Thomas.”

A few hours later……

“I’ve found out what the problem is, you sister’s up the duff” explained Gladys and before she could say anything else and explain about the dilemma, Billy jumped up and shouted

“It’s all that Dai Lemma’s fault, he must have been seeing her while I was at school, where’s my catapult?”

Billy’s sister, hearing the commotion from the living room, came out to find out what was happening.  Gladys, after giving her a big wink, explained that Billy wanted to sort Dai Lemma out for getting her pregnant.  Hiding her laughing face from Billy, she told him that she was proud to have him as a brother and standing up for her, but there was no longer any need as it had all been sorted out.

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