Mam’s comforting hand

dead colliery horse lies in the dust

Dafydd scanned the dirty, black surroundings as he approached the colliery. Clouds of acrid dusty smoke belched from the tall chimney that covered the hillside. The pit head wheel rotated lowering colliers underground at the beginning of each shift. Dada and Dafydd, wearing their worn corduroy trousers and jackets, arrived promptly at the mine entrance.

       They reported to the office where the manager’s voice called out. “Bring him in Dai. Duw Dafydd, you’re starting work today. Are you looking forward to it?” Nervously he replied yes. Dafydd showed his anxiousness. Dada’s firm and comforting hand calmed him. “Steady bach, you’ll be fine”. They entered the cage and the door shutting unnerved Dafydd. The winding wheel clunked into life. His pulse quickened, his stomach churned, his palms and forehead became sweaty. The cage lowered. They were met below by Emlyn, a well-built giant whose face was covered in black dust.  

“Take care of my boy, Emlyn.”  “Don’t fret Dai. Dafydd, you and I will look after the ponies.”

         The shift began and Dafydd learned the job.  He fed the ponies in the underground stable. He began to relax. A sudden commotion made his stomach tighten. Another lad was running towards him.  “Come quick, there’s a badly injured pony down by seam four.”

“What’s happened?” Emlyn enquired.

            “I think it’s broken its leg. It’s in agony. I don’t know what to do”.

             Emlyn nodded at Dafydd.  “Come with me Bach, you must see what a collier’s life is  like.” Lying beside the pony, Emlyn moved his hands up and down the pony’s legs. Dafydd watched closely. The pony writhed from side to side making an awful screaming sound.  Dafydd put his hands over his ears to muffle the sound.  He wished he could cover his eyes as well, it was heartbreaking to watch. 

            “I can’t do anything for it.  Go and get the brown leather case under the bench”. Emlyn shouted. Dafydd returned and asked him what he was going to do.

             “I’m going to have to put him down.”  Emlyn stroked the pony to calm him. A leather covering was taken from the bag and was placed over its head.  The gun was inserted in the hole at the top of the hood. Dafydd was horrified. “It has to be done. The pony is suffering. Better to get it over with on your first shift. It’ll happen again, I’m sure.” While stroking the pony’s head to relieve stress, ‘BANG’. The gun was fired. Dafydd got up and ran out heading toward the stable block, tears running down his face. The colour drained from his body.

           Dada collected Dafydd at the end of the shift and Emlyn explained what had happened.

“Dere Bach, let’s go home.” Reaching the house Mam saw the unhappiness on his face and quickly hugged her distraught son. Dafydd felt a sense of relief at being home in the safety of his family. No matter what Da said, he wished he didn’t have to go back tomorrow.

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