In Time

As I sit with tears flowing down my face a small hand touched my arm, looking up into the face of my six-year old son his eyes troubled. 

” Are you sad because daddy has gone to prison?”

What do you say to a boy who has been abused by that man he calls daddy. That man has taken his innocence and his childhood. I nodded.

”Go back to bed honey I’ll be up soon”.

Today I sat in court and watched the man I had been married to plead guilty to sexual abuse with four different children including mine.

How could I not know what was going on, why had they not spoken of it?

The last few months had changed my world. There had been so many tears, tantrums and recriminations .My heart was broken, my feelings numb. My only thought now was keeping my family together and not let it destroy our lives. How I was going to do it was unclear. Never having experienced anything like it, all I could do was fight to do the best for them.

We had been lucky in a way as a charity had been giving therapy to my babies, the rest was up to me.

Sitting there I came to the realisation that I would make mistakes along the way as we were all entering uncharted waters. My aim was for us not to become victims but to rise above it and in time move on.

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