Desire for what

So much for the boasts of virtual indestructability. Ground realities differ. Paul searched his memory for that specific web page. The photo that oozed seduction – a golden leather top layer and then 2 further layers, splayed like the pages of a flicked book. All fully breathable and heat conserving:
“This traditional snowshoe binding is composed of three layers of material riveted together. Each binding attaches to the snowshoe with two anchor points to reduce lateral movement of the heel, meaning the foot stays in line with the snowshoe”

At the downtown store, he walked past racks of insulated and hardshell jackets… Arcteryx, Mountain Hardwear… to the bindings at the back. The desire to possess started with the smell of leather in his nose, skipped sideways from trachea to oesophagus and then travelled down to the pit of his stomach to settle in a pool of longing. One month’s wages later and further on line browsing, he clicked the “Buy Now” icon and they were his.

Removing the snow-mitt from his right hand, he reached down to clutch the broken strapping. Attempting a secure joining knot would be difficult with half-frozen digits. At least the fish cache was in sight.

Lowering his booty into the stone lined box he alternated each frozen layer with a spread of stones. At the apex of the final mound, he placed the distinctive triangular rock as a marker, before scuffing the snow over with his remaining intact -and -attached snowshoe.

A hundred-foot hobble and half an hour later, the front door was in sight. Namin would be pleased. His bumper catch was food security for the whole winter, what’s more home and dry… literally. She must have been watching out for his return because the door opened and framed her outline as a warmth of oily light slithered over the snow

Not the trickster caw of a raven, not the snapping of dried seal blubber but the icicle cracking, falling. There was no obstacle. Anticipating the homecoming welcome Paul had lowered his pelt hood. Piercing him in the neck, a surprised “Oh” of exhalation.

Namin watched the red widening snow. One final twitch then only the stillness broken by creaks as the snow and ice spoke.

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