Billy and the curse

Granny Herbs House

As the bell rang young Billy Thomas barged his way out. Racing off he headed into the woods above the school Megan’s words echoing in his head: ”I’m sorry Billy we can’t be friends anymore.”

She had  just walked away from him.

Gasping for breath he threw himself onto the floor. What had he done? He and Megan had been like brother and sister. They had played together for as long as Billy could remember.

A thought came into his head. It must be to do with the curse. Since coming back to school, the girls had been behaving strangely. There were whispers amongst them of the curse.

He decided to go to the travellers’ camp at the edge of the wood; maybe someone there had cursed them? There, one of the boys he had worked with on the farm during the summer walked over.

“What are you doing Billy?”

“I’ve come to ask if anyone here has put a curse on the village girls?”

The lad laughed. 

“No boy, that would be the Romany gypsies. We are travellers, we just go where the work is. You could try Granny Herb, down that creepy lane.”

Billy had never been to Granny Herb’s house. He had to find out who had cursed the girls. He shuffled down the mossy lane, branches seemed to reach out to him. Shivering, he approached the rundown cottage. The door opened and a tiny wizen old lady stood there. Surely she couldn’t hurt anyone?

“Yes what do you want?”

Billy was worried she might be putting a spell on him, so intense was her gaze.


Billy blurted it out: “Have you put a curse on the village girls?”

The old lady frowned at him, then something lit up her face.

“Bach, I make lotions and herbal remedies. Contrary to local gossip, I am not a witch. You must ask your parents that question.”

“My parents aren’t witches,” Billy retorted.

Wandering home deep in thought, Billy tried to think of a way to broach the subject.

As luck would have it his mother was in the parlour alone; his da was not home.

“You alright, our Billy?”

He shook his head and explained the problem. His mother took a deep breath. 

“Well Billy, you’re twelve now and you know how your voice has deepened?”

Billy blushed and nodded.

“It’s God’s way of letting you know you are becoming a man. Well girls also change but in a different way. God prepares their bodies for motherhood.”

This time it was his mother’s turn to blush.

“Some people call it a curse but all girls go through it. It can make them feel unwell. But I am sure that once Megan gets used to it, you’ll be friends again.’

“But what is it this curse?”

“Billy, I’ve told you all you need to know, go and wash your hands ready for tea.”

Leaving a very puzzled Billy.

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