
Tomorrow never comes around

It is a day that can’t be found

The mystery of what lies ahead

Thoughts running through a busy head

In bed wondering what’s to come

Ideas pounding like a drum

Dreams and aspirations dwell

Then midnight rings its final bell

Tomorrow holds an ambitious fate

Tomorrow’s always running late

Another day has now arrived

But tomorrow has not survived

Future desires have gone away

Tomorrow’s just another day By Sarah Rengozzi

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and the Day After

The mirror in Selina’s bathroom was a focal point for her rich theatrical dreams. It was surrounded by small lights, much like a glamourous dressing room make-up mirror; it was Selina’s confessional.

Selina  loved the theatre and was a member of the town’s am-dram soc.  It attracted all the local luvvies and a fair few from towns further afield who enjoyed a strut round the green room, and huddled round pieces of gossip like barnacles on a boat. Selina, having unglamourous theatrical skills, enjoyed a rather peripheral am-dram life. She offered services such as box office duty and prompting.

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From the Beginning to the End

Thursday the 21st of April, my 6th birthday. A day indelibly etched on my brain. It was the day that I received 2 tickets to go to the circus with my friend Susan.

On the morning of that momentous day I was bubbling with anticipation at what my gift would be. My curiosity was soon satisfied when I opened my birthday card and discovered the tickets.

That was the beginning of an arduous but long and exciting journey that led me all over the world.

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